Story Collaboration Night 1-10-21

1- a beginning

2- a descriptive place or event

3- a descriptive person

4- an action

5- dialogue

6- an ending

First story:

There was a few people who had no food. The towers that ringed the edge of the city were not very tall as towers go, but they were dark and imposing in a way that dimmed the the daylight and made nights seem even colder. With her own peculiar charm, Margaret seemed to lock gazes with everyone who looked up at her and then she confessed how she had forced Andrew to bring her there, where she kept making up more stories about their fictitious past, leading her closer to inheriting everything he had. He said, “Here’s the plan. Joe you and Tom circle around to the north of the cocaine dealers set up; Martin you and George go to the east side; Billy and I will cover the south.” Joe spoke up, “What about the west side?” Billy responded, “The west side is up against the cliff.” She settled into her chair content to watch the sunrise.

Contributors: Jemma, Hokan, Cary, Grammie and Hosanna

Second story:

The night was dark and foreboding when James approached the large red door and knocked. The long dark passageway was lit only sporadically with flickering bulbs and the air was damp and frigid. Tom was a muscular, well built man of about 25 or 30 who stood over six feet tall with a determined set to his square, stubble covered jaw and his hazel eyes focused with a piercing glint as if he could divine the secrets of anyone he beheld. Henry jerked awake, and reaching up reflexively caught the shimmering orb that fell from the branches overhead. And on that day we learned that planning was key.

Contributors: Carrie,, Ryanne, Grumpa, Colleen and Aaron

Third story:

Once upon a time there was a kingdom full of princesses. The home was so beautiful but it had no money in it. In substance, she was not at all like she was in appearance, much like the word Worcestershire, and we all thought of her with the same kind of fondness that a hare-lipped man has for that word. Rushing by a fast mountain stream, the bicycle delivery courier swerved expertly around the opening car door and between the trucks passing by, going in the opposite directions. The raid was a success! The drug dealers were taken to jail and are awaiting trial.

Contributors: Leyla, Jemma, Hokan, Cary and Grammie

Fourth story:

There was once a blue iguana named Theresa Belisa who dearly loved to eat guavas. The door was old, but well cared for, like something out of a fairytale, ornately carved with vines and pixies and painted bright red. He stood at 6’5” with rippling muscles and his eyes could penetrate to your deepest fears, or at least that was the students immediate impression. As she walked along the poorly lit lane on her way home from work, she could hear footsteps behind her and she knew someone was following her, but looking back she could see nothing which only increased the fear that was infusing her entire being and causing her to run at full speed with tear filled eyes. As usual there would be no applause, no accolades, no attention, no acknowledgement that he had ever been there.

Contributors: Hosanna, Carrie, Ryanne, Grumpa, and Colleen

Fifth story:

Falling out of bed is a hard way to start the day. The kingdom had many pictures and was full of flowers. The person doesn’t like to eat vegetables or anything. An with that, he shot the monkey. No one knew What had come, because everything familiar was now gone, wreckage hauled away by the garbage trucks before anyone could begin to figure any of it out from the evidence.

Contributors: Aaron, Leyla, Jemma, Hokan and Cary

Sixth story:

The treacherous drive on the narrow cliff hugging roadway was nerve wracking to the DEA agents. The desert’s dunes went on as far as the eye could see, the only variation being the shadows cast by the dunes into their low valleys. James is a fairly tall man, nearing 6’4”, with vibrant red curly hair that is mostly an unruly mop, kind eyes and an easy going disposition; a true gentle giant. The Jeep roared to life and they made their narrow escape. When it was all said and done, everyone connected with the event gathered on the courthouse lawn and enjoyed a picnic lunch provided by the County Sheriff’s office while enjoying a live concert by George Strait and his band.

Contributors: Grammie, Hosanna, Carrie, Ryanne and Grumpa

Seventh story:

This should have been the day the sea would part and reveal the path to the forgotten worlds. The dumpster sat just around the corner from the bagel shop. The king always wore fur on some of his clothes and always wore his crown, but not to bed. Daddy killed the bad guy. And so it was— the potatoes were planted and all there was for it was to wait and hope the hippos never came back.

Contributors: Colleen, Aaron, Leyla, Jemma and Hokan.

Eighth story:

Here, before the end, everything will be explained, be patient and listen. David was a young but capable agent, who also had degrees in forest management and botany, was leading the group. Clarence was a thin bloke dressed in a trench coat with a swirl of white hair at the top of his head. His hand in a tight fist, knuckles ready to connect with the door again, just as the huge wooden door swung open. They rounded the bend, home was in sight, what a wonderful vacation, probably the best ever!

Contributors: Cary, Grammie, Hosanna, Carrie and Ryanne

Ninth story:

It was the eve of her wedding and Sue was really excited but also a little apprehensive about the whole situation because she had really only known her fiancé for three months, during which time he had showered her with expensive gifts and a lot of attention, but what was troubling her was his controlling nature. The rays of the setting winter sun filtered through the mists in the stand of frosted tree skeletons. Eldred was tall, slightly purple and afraid of everything. The princesses went to a ball, and one of them tripped over her shoe and it fell off. The princess had pearl earrings, the end.

Contributors: Grumpa, Colleen, Aaron, Leyla and Jemma

Tenth story:

The rain fell in great, grayish drops that splattered loudly and Alfred thought to himself —not for the first time that day— that he greatly despised being wet. The bend of the lazy stream nearly made a half circle, carving a cut bank under which a slow moving, natural swimming hole invited anyone passing to dip in, away from the pounding heat and then relax all lazy and refreshed on the sandy beach at the end of the bend. He had the 4×4 in a secluded spot. Sven spurred his reindeer team on as he raced in the snow along side Leo’s sled dog team, determined to be the one to reach Katerina first. This is not the end he thought as the door silently closed behind him.

Contributors: Hokan, Cary, Grammie, Hosanna and Carrie

Eleventh story:

The sky was filled thick heavy clouds, ya know, the kind that threaten rain in abundance, Cheryl was on the porch, watching as the winds picked up, a ripe fat drop began to cascade from the sky. It was a beautiful open area,a clearing in the thickly forested mountain terrain covered with huckleberry brush, wild strawberries, service berries and other native plants, obviously a clear cut logging operation of several years past. The youthful smile and sparkling hazel eyes that graced the woman’s face belied the armoloy hinted at by the silver hue in her hair and the gnarled arthritic fingers. Everyone leapt from the edge, holding their breath. And the princess lived happily ever after with her brand new tiara.

Contributors: Ryanne, Grumpa, Colleen, Aaron and Leyla

Twelfth story:

“What are you doing?” Asked the princess.

“And the mystery of it is,” said Holmes.

“Gluten Tag, Fraulein,” said the mysterious monk.

“Hello?” James called into the the entry as he cautiously stepped over the threshold, ears straining for the slightest sounds. :Hurry and get the Jeep going, the fire is coming!” The commander screamed.

One f the princesses said, “what are going to do tomorrow?”

Mercy groaned as she realized they still didn’t get it, “I was there — it was real!”

Contributors: Jemma, Cary, Hosanna, Carrie, Ryanne, Leyla and Colleen

About liveinthebadlands

I am a mother of 6 wonderful kids, wife to one great guy, sister to 7 and a photographer.
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